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Floral Aroma


If you find Rose "too sweet" and its floral scent overwhelming, or if you’re simply not a fan of floral notes, you should definitely try the Aphrodite essential oil blend. In 2024, Carol's Scent has crafted Aphrodite as a new Christmas fragrance, themed around "nobility" and "luxury." Perfumer Carol selected one of the most precious essential oils, rose oil, and combined it with other organic essential oils: vetiver, patchouli, cypress, and Bourbon geranium to create Aphrodite. The earthy scent of vetiver, the tea-like resinous aroma of patchouli, the woodsy and needle-like notes of cypress, and the not-too-sweet, rose-like fragrance of Bourbon geranium elegantly balance out the sometimes "overly familiar" floral scent of rose. This blend gives Aphrodite a beautifully fresh, surprising fragrance that combines florals, herbs, and woods. Aphrodite is perfect for diffusing in cars or indoor spaces, instantly elevating the atmosphere with a noble and luxurious touch. Named after Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty in mythology, this exquisite essential oil blend reflects the esteemed place of love.


若你不太能接受Rose“太甜”和其“花香”,或,你本來就不太喜歡花香,那麼,你不能錯過嘗試使用Aphrodite精油。2024年,Carol's Scent 為聖誕節調配的新香氣是Aphrodite,以“高貴”、“奢華”為主題,調香師Carol選擇essential oil裡最昂貴精油之一 - 玫瑰精油,與多種有機精油:岩蘭草、廣藿香、絲柏、波旁天竺葵調和搭配,調製出Aphrodite。岩蘭草的earthy香氣,廣藿香樹脂厚實的茶葉香,絲柏樹木及針葉香氣,以及,波旁天竺葵近似玫瑰卻不會太甜的香氣,完美綜合玫瑰香的“俗不可耐”,使Aphrodite充滿花草地木的香氣,清新、驚喜。Aphrodite最適合在汽車內、室內空間擴香,整個環境氛圍頓時高貴及奢華起來。取名Aphrodite,這是神話故事裡代表愛情、美麗女神的名字。Carol以這瓶高貴的精油香氣,表達愛情尊貴的地位。


  • Suitable to diffuse in car or indoor space. 適合在汽車內,或室內空間擴項。

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