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Smoky Aroma


The initial intention behind the creation of "i" essential oil was to alleviate the anxiety caused by quitting addictions. Therefore, Carol aimed to create a blend with the scents of smoke and tobacco. She chose black pepper essential oil because one of its effects is to stabilize internal restlessness. After multiple attempts and refining the formula, she used agarwood essential oil as a fixative to give "i" essential oil a richer and more sophisticated woody tobacco aroma. Through extensive testing and collecting customer feedback, it was confirmed that using it when coughing can provide significant comfort and relief. The name "i" complements Carol's Scent's other two essential oils, "Love" and "You." When the three bottles are placed together, they spell out "I Love You."


"i"精油的創作初衷為舒緩戒掉癮頭時所產生的焦慮,因此,Carol以調配出煙醺及煙草香氣為目標進行調香工作。她選用黑胡椒精油,是因為黑胡椒精油的其中一個效用是穩定內在的焦躁不安。在多次嘗試並把配方調配出來後,她以沉香精油定香,使"i"精油有更厚重及高格調的木質煙草香氣。經過多番測試及收集客戶反饋,證實咳嗽時使用它,可感覺舒服和舒緩不少。命名“i”,以搭配Carol‘s Scent的其他兩個精油“Love”及“You”,三瓶精油湊一起時,便是I Love You。

i Perfume Oil

SKU: 10
  • This essential oil is suitable for use when coughing and when you want to feel comfortable and relieved.


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